Hope Springs Eternal

Today, on this first day of Spring, this is what we awoke to: lots and lots of rain, lots and lots of wind complete with branches blown down and fear of losing electricity.  I am not complaining though. We have had a pretty mild winter here near the coast of the Pacific Northwest and for that I am grateful. 
I waited for a break in the weather and decided to grab the camera on the way to the mailbox.  The rain let up just long enough for me to find signs, like these pretty pink primroses peeking out beneath the leaves that I have yet to clear, that spring is on the way and that gives me hope. 
I love Spring, when all the newness bursts forth showing off just a bit and all the fresh hope of brighter days ahead.  I hold on to that hope as the season changes and as life does too.  
We are celebrating this stormy Spring day with a pot of homemade soup, a loaf of warm bread and thankful hearts for what has been...and what is to come.    
"Be joyful in hope..."  Romans 12:12



  1. The high in our area was 39. It was, at least, sunny and pretty out. I am sooo ready for spring!

    1. That is chilly! Hope spring comes to your area soon Kara :)
